Sunday, October 12, 2014

Getting my results - Dream 12/10/2014

Have just finished a course, that was taught by my uncle, who is a professor in real life.

Am at home, our old home, I set out to get the results. I realise a schoolmate of mune, who shares my name has also set out for the same thing, and she takes a different route to the same place. I am mentally thinking I should reach before her. I take a roundabout route. Donno where she goes. I carry on with my journey. It's a busy route.

When I reach the place where I have to go, the teacher's are in the third floor. I am able to climb the stairs till the second floor, but am unavle to find the stairs or the way to third floor. The atairs to the third floor is blocked with frozen glass. I get down and try to go around it, not much success.

I remember that there is a way to reach the third floor from the adjacent building, through which I have been once before. There is a architect/collector/artist through whose garden I could jump directly onto the third floor. A sweet person, who had helped me the previous time.

I go to the house, and the garden is a little different. The guy is different as well, he looks like those Caucasian villain of old hindi/tamil movies. I try to find the path which leads to the third floor of the other building, so i can get my results, or my father would ask.

There are some kids in uniform on a trip kinda there and this villain tries to screw me, I hold another girl 👧 as shield or reason to escape him. I somehow free myself and the girl and I are on a quest to find the gap which would let me escape and get my results. Then I decide to get away from this building, and then I call 📞 my teacher and uncle for the results. He plainly says, where is the result of the complaints I gave to you? You said you are working on it.

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